About Us

RPBot was founded in 2017 as a private software for invidual games.
Since that time our team growth exponentially, we have huge experience in software developement, farming and artificial intelligence.
At this moment we have clients and partners from more than 30 countries of the world.

Our internal projects:

Cache Server

Cache server - is a dedicated server acting as a storage for games and firmware updates.
Instead of all of the consoles requesting and downloading the updates from the PSN or Xbox servers, the data could be cached in a server and then served locally, saving immense amounts of bandwidth and time.

Orders Management System

Orders Management System(SAAS) - a special service that allows you to easily manage orders from your customers. You can connect your own store or invite clients.
Internal chat, API and orders tracking links are included.

Coins Muling System

Coins Muling System(Automule) - is browser extension and App that allows you to deliver coins to from farming accounts to your customers safe, fast and easy!
Delivery has been never easier before, all actions are automated.
You can use your TM locked accounts to trade and sell coins.

Coins store script

Coins store script - launch your own coin shop in a week. Get the shop script with payment system and orders management connected via API to the Orders Management System, get unlimited amount of coins to sell.  Availlable for partners only.

Other scripts

We provide additional scripts for partners. Use your console while waiting for next play.

©2018-2025 rpbot.pro 🍀